Ziad Nakad’s latest Couture collection for Spring Summer 2024, titled “Pantheon,” is a breathtaking homage to Parisian architecture, particularly the iconic monument, the Panthéon. With meticulous...
The season will be hosted at the iconic Jio World Convention Centre The five-day event presents style innovation and sets the stage for trends in Indian Beauty...
Driven by its commitment to empower every woman to embrace her inherent radiance, the House of Lakmē – India’s first skincare and makeup brand, launched its...
Anjali imbued the essence of a visionary costume designer with the strokes of her philosophy. For her, designing transcended mere aesthetics; it was a celebration of...
The consecration was not merely a Hindu event; it became a celebration of interfaith harmony. Leaders, businessmen, artisans and workers from various religious communities joined hands...