Real global warming could be unleashed by a hidden technology most people don’t even know exists
Depending on whom you ask, so-called “free energy devices” are either a total hoax or a systematically suppressed technology that’s being kept away from the public. There’s a lot of interesting ground to cover on this subject of “over unity devices,” but that’s not the point of this article. Instead, let’s look at an unintended side effect of free energy devices that even the free energy proponents don’t usually realize exists.

And here it is: if free energy technology were to be developed and openly shared with the world, it would very rapidly lead to runaway global warming. I don’t mean by emitting greenhouse gasses because obviously such devices don’t burn fossil fuels. What I mean is literal, actual WARMING: the production of heat that’s released into the atmosphere. Joules and BTUs, in other words.
Where would all this heat come from? From the work performed by the devices, obviously. And if these devices really produce energy from nothing (or from zero point energy, a parallel universe, or whatever), then they are introducing heat into this world that didn’t exist here to begin with. “Over-unity” also means “new heat” that’s dumped directly into the environment, and all physical work generates heat, which means engines, pumps, vehicles, generators and everything else that runs on free energy devices simultaneously produces heat.
Water desalination generates heat, too
Here’s an example: The world’s water aquifers are running dry, leading to what even the mainstream media now admits could cause “billions to starve” as global crops fail. But if free energy devices were a reality, then water would no longer be a challenge: just string every coastline with free energy desalination devices that produce fresh water to be pumped inland. Sounds great, right?
Except there’s an unintended consequence: HEAT.
Desalination produces a lot of heat. After all, it’s part of the process of turning ocean water into fresh water by removing the salt and minerals. A world that’s producing billions of gallons of fresh water each year from free energy powered desalination plants is also a world that’s producing a very large number of gigajoules of heat energy each year. Where does all that heat go? Into the environment and the atmosphere, of course, raising the temperature of the entire planet and causing global warming from a whole new perspective.
If you’re a skeptical thinker, though, you might think water desalination plants alone couldn’t produce enough heat to be a problem. After all, the planet loses a certain amount of heat into outer space, and only some portion of the heat generated on the planet stays on the planet. Right you are, but there’s much more to this story. If free energy devices really work, then guess what everybody will drive to work? Electric automobiles recharged by over-unity devices that also generate heat.
The very act of driving your vehicle, in other words, will produce considerable excess heat even if you’re driving a 100% zero emissions vehicle. The “emissions” are the heat generated by your car as you drive (using the brakes and motors produces excess heat) as well as the heat produced by the free energy devices used to charge the batteries of those cars.
In fact, if energy becomes “free,” suddenly the whole world wants to build and use more free energy devices. Powering huge boats through the ocean is suddenly “free” in terms of fuel. Electric bulldozers and construction equipment can be powered at zero fuel cost, making demolition and construction remarkably cheaper. The transportation of goods across the highways becomes nearly cost-free in terms of fuel.
Every single thing currently accomplished on the planet with the help of a machine or a motor suddenly because less costly. As a result, the pursuit of such activities explodes… and not in a good way.
How free energy would destroy the planet
If you truly understand economics and human behavior, it doesn’t take long to realize that free energy devices — if they were ever truly invented and openly shared — would destroy our natural world. How would they do that? Let me count the ways:
1) Massive population explosion due to incredibly cheap food production.
2) Explosion of residential and commercial development due to zero-cost fuels.
3) Huge increase in resource extraction (mining, fossil water, etc.) in order to supply the increasingly large population.
4) Huge growth of the number of vehicles on the road, ships in the sea and airplanes in the sky.
5) An abandonment of nearly all energy efficiency efforts as energy prices plummet to near-zero. If electricity costs nearly nothing, after all, then what motivation is there for efficient use of heaters and air conditioners? Why even bother to buy insulation?