Drunken Monkey – Naturally High!
Are you a smoothie fan ? Always craving for that thick, creamy drink usually mixed with pure fruits, vegetables, juices, yogurt, nuts, seeds and milk. The delicious taste and lots of health benefits makes smoothies an awesome heat treat for your mind and body. Smoothie not only makes your senses happy but also gives you protein by beating the heat in Summer from detox smoothie, we also have a variant that helps in recovery from partying night.
Drunken Monkey is a chain of India’s only smoothies bar, which serve healthy delicious savoury smoothies and juices that are sure to leave you ‘naturally high’.
Drunken Monkey was founded in February 2016, is one of the largest smoothies bar across India and the company boasts of 90+ outlets across 24 cities. We believe that the Earth is our inspiration and we bring you the best of its produce — fresh, locally grown, and to make everything good for you. Drunken Monkey believes in creating unique and delicious flavours that are both functional and fun! At Drunken Monkey, all fans of smoothies will be able to enjoy our carefully curated delicious menu, which is created by applying superb techniques and combinations that have stood the test of time. By connecting people with locally grown seasonal produce, they are encouraging healthy eating habits for our communities.
The most basic smoothie begins with two essential ingredients – a base and a liquid. You’ll find Drunken Monkey’s extensive menu featuring over 170+ varieties, 80% of which are vegetarian, made from locally fragrant, natural ingredients without preservatives. From a smoothie of all-natural fresh fruits to a decisively smooth smoothie, a hot summer morning often accompanies a cold smoothie made from fresh fruit.
In terms of health benefits, a smoothie is always a better option in summer than juice. Juice is often free from the pulp of fruits and vegetables. Smoothies consist of every part of the material, thus locking in the goodness and perfection of all of them. Therefore, in the summer, smoothie is your best companion, it has lots of benefits such as it reduces the chances of cancer, balances hormonal functioning, keeps your blood sugar in check, prevents heart diseases, it prevents depression, it controls your mood swing and it prevents you from dehydration also detoxify your skin. The warm and humid climate is enjoyed by people participating in many outdoor activities. Both residents and tourists would love to enjoy good sunshine, fun and pleasant sunny weather with friends and a good smoothie to hydrate themselves.
The brand follows its tagline “Naturally High”, a crazy-pleasant-miracle feeling of being loved in life! The drunken monkey believes that there is no greater thrill than binge on nature and life with being one of the ways to reconnect with a naturally high spirit. Drunk Monkey’s team said that everything life has to offer is a way to experience and truly feel alive. Therefore, their products are pure and natural; the team is energetic and resonates with his “naturally high” way of life.
Drunken Monkey is the most sophisticated smoothie bar and they offer amazing menu with authentic flavours. The types of drinks you choose will be almost endless as new products, ideas and methods of brewing and serving are incredible, there menu consists of Smoothies with fruits, you can enjoy the mixture of nature in the drink. Get into Fresh Fruit Shake with this great range of fruit smoothies, and then they have veggie smoothies this is the perfect combination of health and flavour, and they make the smoothie by creating boring veggies with interesting concepts , they also serve Meal and Detox smoothies that consists of all the necessary nutrients that increase your energy and keep you satisfied and packed with some seriously hard-working nutrients and antioxidants that act as warriors and protects you from getting out all those harmful toxins from the body.
Protein Smoothie and Hydrator Smoothie is an ideal workout partner with a healthy dose of protein that feeds your muscles back to life, plus it keeps you calm, cool and hydrated and last but not least the Hangover Warrior Smoothie which helps you heal after party effects by restoring the necessary salts and sugar in the body with active energy elements. You can pamper yourself with loads of coffee, nuts, dairy and other crazy combinations.
Nutritious breakfast gives a good start to your day. It gives you energy to keep going throughout the day. In summer, people around the world look for ways to mix taste and good nutrition together and find relief from the scorching heat. Smoothies with breakfast every day can surely pave the way for good health and enjoyment throughout the hot season.
You should definitely come here, because it is aspirational, it is an experience to enjoy with your friends and your loved ones and to taste or to meet your colleagues or to have a business meeting.