Covid 19 Myth Busters
Here are some of the comon myths about the deadly diseases and the actual facts which you nshould know in order to fight and defeat this virus.
Drinking Alcohol can kill the virus (MYTH)
Wrong. According to Doctor Pooja Tripathi Pandey, drinking alcohol has no relation with the killing of the virus. Although, applying a sanitizer with above 60% concentration will kill the virus, but this fact has nothing to do with the drinking of alcohol as the virus attacks the lungs and respiratory organs.
Hot water Bath will kill the virus (MYTH)
According to Doctor Pooja, this virus is mutating and is very dangerous as this virus is novel to us. There are no cures as of now and once you get infected only your immunity can recover you.
She says that you need to wash your clothes at 60 degree temperature to get them disinfected; it is not possible for you to take a bath with water of such high temperature.
Once summers come the virus will die (MYTH)
No. Doctor Pooja says that some areas in the world have tropical weather but still the virus is prevailing there. It has nothing to do with the season. The virus has been declared pandemic and it is not safe to take any risks right now. Same goes for cold weather and temperature, this virus can prevail in all areas regardless of the climate, weather or temperature.
From the evidence so far, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather. Regardless of climate, adopt protective measures if you live in, or travel to an area reporting COVID-19. (WHO)
Pets can cause infection from covid-19 (MYTH)
This is not true. While it is advisable to take proper precautions while playing with your pets, there are no cases till date where animals/pets are causing this infection. This virus is being transmitted from human to human and the animals do not need to suffer unnecessarily. Take care of your pets and don’t abandon them.
Eating Garlic will cure the virus (MYTH)
While garlic has its own anti microbial properties and is good for health but there are no evidences till date that eating garlic cured someone of covid-19.

Dr Pooja Tripathi
Doctor Pooja strictly says that you should NOT TRUST THE VACCINES OR INJECTION PROVIDED BY SOMEONE
CLAIMING THAT THEY CAN CURE THE VIRUS. There are no cures as of present report and it will be best to call the helpline numbers if the symptoms are visible on you or someone you know for yours as well as their protection.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
- Avoid going outside.
- Eat healthy fruits and vegetables available.
- Follow the government’s orders and take the lock down/curfew/quarantine seriously.
- Sanitize your clothes if you go outside.
- Wear mask whenever you go outside.
- Change mask when damp.
- Do not take unnecessary risks and go outside.
- Do not travel.
- Do not touch your mask with bare hands.
- Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth. (avoid touching your face)
- Do not travel if you are showing the symptoms of covid-19 (Call the helpline numbers and they will come to you.)
- Do not take this situation lightly.
See the national tests labs available for covid-19 here: