She may be playing the role of a fashionista in her upcoming flick, but actor SHRADDHA KAPOOR feels that in real life, she is just a ‘Basics kind of girl’ when it comes to fashion. With her new film ‘HALF GIRLFRIEND’ all set to hit the screens this weekend, Shraddha, who is busy promoting the film across India, spoke to FASHION HERALD about her fashion fundas and Riya Somani’s look in the film.
FH – We have always seen you as a simple, girl next door in your films. But this time, we see you as a fashionista, a diva. Do you think this is your most glamorous role on screen so far?
Shraddha – “Ya I do think that. Riya Somani comes from a super-rich family. She comes from a higher social strata which had to be reflected in the way I was styled. She wears stilettoes to college. Now that was a first time for me because normally I haven’t worn much heels in my films with the characters so far…”
FH – We love Riya Somani. But we super love Shraddha and we would love to know your fashion essentials, especially if you want to look awesome while travelling.
Shraddha – “Oh I am a basics person and I love my basics. So in my fashion essentials, especially for travelling, I would say a good pair of sneakers, comfy track pants, tee shirt, favourite sunglasses and of course, a backpack with good space.”
He is known for his boy next door, brash boy image on screen. Actor ARJUN KAPOOR loves to look groomed and presentable but feels that a man’s personality comes from his clothes, it does not define him. In conversation with FASHION HERALD, Arjun talks what it took to be a Bihari Boy in the film and what are his fashion essentials for a man.
FH–You have earlier played a UP boy in Ishaqzaade and Tevar and now, you are playing a Bihari Boy. So what is MadhavJha’s look like in the film?
Arjun – “The youth of today is actually not someone who carries out their place of birth in their clothes. Till the time they speak, you cannot actually make out from where they belong to. For Madhav, we wanted to keep him a little cleaner. With accessories, it would have looked as if we want to show him a certain way. In college, we kept him more athletic since he is a basketball player. When he goes back home, we have given him kurta and jeans and a side parting, because when you back to the village, you end up being civilised whereas in college, everyone wants a spikey funky kind of a hairstyle. I had also coloured my hair dull brown to give a sun kissed look, because you spend a lot of time outdoors in villages…”
FH – There is a shift in look when Madhav goes to New York, right….
Arjun – When Madhav goes to New York, he is so distraught and his hair is so growing out. His beard is grown, he is not styled. He is inherently a very simple boy, so we kept the colours very dull, very muted and wintery. He wears the same pair of jeans and same clothes with just some added layers to his clothes to adapt to the colder weather of New York. We wanted his personality to come through the clothes.
FH – Arjun what are your fashion essentials for every man to look good always?
Arjun – You should always have a nice pair of jeans that fit you well, whether you wear them formally or casually. Also, a nice pair of shoes because they define you especially when you are a boy, whether they are sneakers or boots. You can’t go wrong with a nice white shirt, a plain black tee shirt… the basics. If you get your basics right, the start would be good. And ofcourse, a good hairstyle. Whatever your hairstyle be, or if you want to sport a beard too, keep it groomed. You should look presentable always.