The iconic Parisian fashion house, Chanel, transported viewers to the charming seaside town of Deauville with its Fall-Winter 2024/25 Ready-to-Wear collection. The show, presented at the...
Adarsh Gill & Sofiya Azad launches the Autumn Winter Collection 2018 inspired by the 1950’s look, worn by the iconic Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn & Fiona...
Bangalore, 11 February 2018 – Max Fashion launched its Spring 18 collection with a cool ‘Fashion Play’ curated by the renowned fashion stylist Mr. Prasad Bidappa at VR...
The Fashion Countdown Begins!!! ExCeL London will host one of the biggest events in fashion world, the Miss World 2014 on 14 December, 2014 in London,...