Sho Hirano, the beloved Japanese singer and actor, made a stunning appearance at the Louis Vuitton Fall/Winter 2025 Menswear show during Paris Fashion Week, drawing the...
In the heart of fashion’s global epicenter, Paris, J-Hope of BTS has once again captured the limelight with his presence at the Paris Fashion Week Men’s...
Krvvy, a burgeoning brand specializing in women’s innerwear and shapewear, has successfully raised INR 6 crore (approximately USD 693,477) in a pre-seed funding round. The investment...
In recent years, TikTok has become a cultural phenomenon, captivating millions with its short-form video content. However, with looming legal challenges and potential bans in the...
Coldplay set Mumbai alight with their electrifying performance as part of their Music of Spheres World Tour, captivating fans with their chart-topping hits and immersive stage...
Milan Fashion Week 2025, the crown jewel of the global fashion calendar, kicks off today, setting the stage for an extraordinary showcase of creativity, elegance, and...
Lucknow based business, House of Chikankari, has successfully raised Rs 4 crore in its seed funding round, with contributions from notable angel investors and micro venture...
Paris Fashion Week is not just an event; it’s a celebration of creativity, style, and cultural heritage in the fashion world. As we look ahead to...
Fashion enthusiasts, mark your calendars! The world’s most celebrated fashion extravaganzas are back in 2025, showcasing the hottest trends, groundbreaking designs, and the visionary work of...
In the city of lights and fashion dreams, Dolce & Gabbana unveiled their latest haute couture collection, ‘Du Coeur à la Main’ (“From the Heart to...